MintLP/Dynavector 17D3 question

For those who have set up a 17D3 using the MintLP...

I recently purchased a 17D3 for my Scout. I set up the alignment this weekend using the MintLP and had a hard time seeing where the stylus touches the MintLP due to the short cantilever. Of course my 50 year old eyes didn't help.
For anyone experienced with this, what size/power of loupe did you use and do you have any other suggestions?

Showing 1 response by markd51

There's much written here about the MintLP tractor in the archives, doing a simple search, and I've written quite a bit about the slight obstacles, and little tricks to help ease the hassles. If you haven't gotten the Loupe (Yip calls it a Lupe), then you may be able to find a small 10X Jeweler's Loupe online.

The Loupe helps at the outer beginning of Arc, and also, when sighting the Cantilever, when alining the Cantilever. Otherwise, I've found trying to utilize the loupe at the end of Arc, near the Spindle becomes quite difficult, to almost impossible.

Lighting, in various forms, and placed at different locations will help aid you in spotting the Stylus (hopefully!) Mark