Mini-Toslink or Standard Toslink with Adapter

I need to connect an Airport Express to my DAC. I have a good glass toslink cab;e. Should I use an adapter like the one from Audioquest on one end of the cable to allow connection to the Airport or should I purchase a new toslink that has a mini connection?

Thanks for the advice.
Wireworld sells a dedicated mini Toslink to Toslink glass fiber cable
I use a glass cable with the Audioquest adapter between an Airport Express and my DAC and it has always worked perfectly with at least three different DACs.

I used a cheaper adapter for awhile and can't say the Audioquest sounds any better but it's inexpensive enough.
I would try the adapter first, esp. if it has a return policy, providing you have a well made glass cable. If you get drop outs or distorted sound, go with a new one.