Mini Monitors: Stands Vs Shelf Questions

#1 Do you think there a price cutoff point at which one should generally conclude, "These monitors are too fine/expensive to be compromised by putting in a shelf as opposed to dedicated stands?

#2 Regarding monitors with rear bass ports, are there any really good devices for wall mounting which will allow the speaker around 18"-30" out from the wall behind it and angle it to direct downward at the listener from an "unorthodox" height (say 48" to 80" tweeter height) and would this type of configuration provide sonic quality "close" to what one would expect using dedicated stands?

Thanks again.......Still weighing options for a computer room/office measuring 9.5' x 12' where the speakers must reside high up on the short wall.

Showing 2 responses by lg1

Thanks very much for the links and input. As for the hint that I may have wasted bandwidth here, I beg to differ. A series of related questions which were spaced over time so as to avoid multiple posts per page when possible were answered thoughtfully and have enabled me to narrow my choices considerably. May I suggest those who truly feel closely related topics are a waste of forum space not waste forum space by further reply. This way more bandwidth is freed up for those less troubled by clarification topics as well as for those who favor the quick and concise "get it right the first time" queries.
..."My point is that you have basically asked this same question a few times....sure you might have changed the wording around a bit, but in the end, its still the same question."...

Why is there a need to point this out? Have I run afoul of Audiogon forum guidelines here? Any moderator online who can verify yes or no?