Might changing cables require repositioning of speakers?

Recently, for the first time I had some local dealer help positioning my ATC SCM 19AT (active) speakers in a 2.0 TV system. Very nice. Then I swapped out four good power cords for another brand, the latter being the same brand and model as the pair already feeding the speakers (the XLR's are the same brand as well). The replacement four feed the power conditioner and and from there, a cable box, an Oppo 203 and a PS Audio Direcstream dac. The new power cords are still burning in, ~200 hours now + <100 hours on a cooker before sending. Their mix in the system has sufficiently different spacial and frequency (and tonal) characteristics that it brought to mind a question: does changing cables typically require reexamination of speaker placement? Thanks,

Showing 1 response by shadorne

It seems most likely that something has changed in your settings in your player or DAC. For example are you using phantom to recreate a centre channel? For example, how is the oppo or cable box set up to handle downmixing of 5.1 TV signals? Is the player or cable box set to music hall or jazz or rock or Dolby Cinema or another of the multitudes of DSP settings (they all sound slightly different)

Check these settings carefully and toggle them and see if you can find out what has changed.