mid-rang pre amp

Hello, I am alittle new to the home theater would and just started to get in to separates. I have seen all the emotive. Outlaw and marantz. Is there other places I am missing I have at least 2,000 to spend. I would love it to just have the fun stuff like THX, Dolly and etc. I am not a big fan of all the fluff like streaming, blue tooth, and etc. Also don't mind going used but when I was looking on here the per amps I was looking at the user didn't have any feedback so I was hesitated. There was some nice ones. I was even looking at a lumagen video processor with a decent sound processor would this be a good idea? Honestly, I most likely will buy a marantz but I was wondering if their is anything else out there. I wish I could get a ADA rapture for 2,000. But I guess i will see that in my dreams tonight.
Marantz separates are the way to go IMO. I've had an excellent experience with them. Good luck and cheers!!
You don't tell us what sources you want to use with a preamp, but there is a strong contingent that favors an Oppo 105 that can play a wide variety of discs, provide excellent audio/video processing through its rear HDMI connection, process computer audio through its asynchronous USB port, and provide most of the functions of a processor including speaker management and volume control. It does not accept analog input, but I'd guess it's unlikely one of your sources is a phono stage. The output from the Oppo would go directly to your amps and sub. It's a cost effective way to get high-quality stereo and multichannel sound with great video.

I do have a phono stage, so I use my 105 in bypass mode with an analog stereo preamp.

Just really a Xbox, ps3 and a blu ray and of course cable. The oppo looks like a great product though. Thanks you give me more stuff to think about which way to go.
Be aware about the UMC-200 and the upgrade card, the XMC's price has gone up twice and it hasn't even been released yet. Currently they are projecting it will come in at $2000 minus the discount with the upgrade card, just FYI.

For the Oppo 105, since you have 4 sources and it only has 2 inputs, it wouldn't work so well without a work-around like an HDMI switcher, and you might as well buy something that meets your needs without adding complications.

For the 2000 price range, Marantz really is the best option for a pre amp processor. They do seem to have a bit of a price premium, however. One other option would be an AVR used as a pre amp only. The Denon AVR X4000 is very flexible and has the TOTL Audyssey room correction for 1400, but I've heard of people getting solid discounts on it.
PS: The way technology is advancing in the home theater world, it's almost counterintuitive to spend large dollars on a pre amp processor when it'll be out of date within a couple of years, unless you are sure you won't get enticed by the newer technology coming down the pike.