Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1

I'm trying to decide between Micro Seiki RX 5000 and TW AC-1.
They are approx. the same price used (about $10K)
Both are belt drive.
Unfortunately, I don't have a first hand experience with either of the tables.
You can see my current set-up in my system page.
The reason, I want to make a change from DD TT to belt drive is just to try a different approach.
Also, I have a feeling, that the bass would be one of the areas, where MS and TW might have an edge over my current DD Technics SP-10 MkII
My endeavor into analog is fairly new, so I'm not sure what my final choice in analog would be, unless I try it in my own system.
What I'm really interested in is the following:
Sonic differences b/w MS, TW and Technics SP-10 MkII
Service availability.

Showing 14 responses by syntax

These turntables show indeed huge differences in Performance, but it depends
on knowledge of the owner (perfect reproduction of the sound of real music
performed in a real space or: "good" sound is whatever one likes)

Micro Seiki

The Japanese made more right 25 years ago than most Manufacturers today.
Very reliable, no coloration, adjustable motor, but some care is needed when
buying one, some owners have the remarkable ability to ruin everything


That is an original one from the 80's with Magnets from France, a Legend in
Europe, sonically really outstanding, no longer available in that configuration

Kuzma XL

Was compared side by side with a Seiki 5000, after 5 min. the owner made it
ready to sell...but overall a good Turntable

Raven AC

Like a Linn LP12 but "in black & heavy"
No matter what you do, it will sound always different...great for Reissues

Kuzma 4P

Soft dynamics, great compensation for very analytic sounding Systems, here it
is used with a Raven AC from one of my friends.
The pic is a bit old, a new one would show a lot of dust onto, the user doe not
use it anymore ...left side is a Kuzma Airline
Hello Maril555,
in the last 3 years I had some contact to Seiki owners and all of their units (25
years old) were running perfectly. The prices for 5000 series are continuously
raising in the last 4 years...the test of time was successfully done long ago.
The table itself has to be moved always without the heavy platter, otherwise the
bearing will be damaged. Normally this is common sense, but you know...:-)
Motors are very impressive, what 'generation' of controller chip have the Ravens
now? 5th? The one from my Buddy started backwards sometimes :-)
I listened to some Transrotors (and Clearaudios) but none of them gave me any
kind of information which made me to sit longer than 5 min in front of them.
They are show pieces, nice to look at, but when you want something which
really moves the sonic curtain, do yourself a favor and look somewhere else.
But it depends on your knowledge about music reproduction. When your
priority is fun only, buy whatever you can reach. All is great then ...
Ups, a Member of Anonymous Audiophile Assassinators here... say hello to
the Raven Fanboys :-)
And Syntax, let me just get everyone on the same page. Your mission in life is to bash a few brands and give your biased opinion about products you get deals on. It is well documented here so why don't you let it go. H I forget you can't. You have nothing better to do. Not even listen to music. I wonder why.

And Dgad, let me just get everyone on the same page. Your mission in life is to support brands and give your "enthusiastic" opinion about products you get deals on.
And both we know very well, that no matter what I write, you'll never get it, not in this life, nor in the next. And internet "documentation". Please, everyone with a normal working brain knows, to rate something you should have information from ALL sides. But "your enemy" is my enemy point of view is childish. Wake up baby, we are not in Russia where you are sent to Siberia for a different opinion.
Say hello to all other Fanboys but a Democracy has different rules. Didn't you realize that after all those years?
Another good option is a Basis Turntable. Very good technical solutions, the
Designer really has knowledge about turntable Design. Some can be upgraded
and even when you compare his belts to others, you realize, he is miles ahead
from all others. Precise Motor, uncolored Sound, excellent dynamics. In a way a
'tool' when you want to know what's really done with the records in the
Recording process. Design done right.
... you back from making the great motor/controller you
lazy POS

I am not a manufacturer nor a deaf Dealer who sells inferior products to
customers with wrong promises. I am a regular customer who prefers Designs
done right (or close to it).
I think, I am not the right person for your "questions" :-)
It just makes you wonder whether the advent of digital
controllers in modern motor technology is simply not good enough for audio.

I think, it is a general problem of our modern time : Maximum Profit
Analog reproduction has a lot of it, most customers want "good
Sound" and that's it. Instead of thinking about what is done in their units
they tell the world how "great" their last buy is. We all know these
Even when the motor is a good one, there are much, much, much more details
which will end finally in a superior sonic result. Escaping to Direct Drives may
be a solution for some, but they have other problems which block a - real -
outstanding sonic Performance. There are simply rules of Physic which can be
ignored from users, but technically it is the way it is..
Solution? I think, there is no hope, 10 years ago I thought, Turntables will be
improved but unfortunately Brain is replaced with Marketing gimmicks (Multi
Motors, Wood Arms on a String, PRaT etc...) and Boutique Pricing replace well
thought, final solutions.
Outsourcing is also not the solution when the Manufacturer has to rely on
others because he has no idea about what is responsible for what.
All that is a explanation why - especially in Europe - some go back to the
"good old times" with their Equipment. but here we have the same
situation: You should know what to buy.
Digital Hardware has some advantages, Timeline Strobe can't be used ... :-)
Sometimes it remembers me to car selling "Yes, it has 8 cyl., sometimes they run, but don't be so picky, six or seven are also great. The tires are round, the painting is nice, it is a great car. We have lots of customers who do'#t drive faster than 55 anyway..."

Best is, buy a Timeline, go to a Dealer, ask for a Demo and put it on.
.... so much passion...

Well, be careful, shooting the messenger is very common in the dark group

wrong timing?
Probably some different views which can be helpful for one or the other who is looking for a Turntable. Buy Classic Records, Royal Ballet LDS-6065 and use for the following comparisons (or impressions) Side 3
I would try to find a Demo with
- Verdier
- Amazon Turntable (Battery Power Supply)
- Oracle MK VI
- Basis Turntable
“Who gives a shit about all this stuff,” he said, holding the LP sleeve in the air, “if you can’t have this?”

Thank you for sharing, I was whining after reading ...
May I suggest, lots of Audiophiles I know, down a bottle of Redwine while listening to their records, it is much cheaper than any Update and PRaT is included.
Is Brinkmann sold in USA? It is also black & heavy, but it has a no-drift-motor.
I ended up buying J.C. Verdier La Platine Granito edition (that's an older model, no longer in production).

Good choice. One of my audiophile friends uses one, too
Is yours similar to that one ?
Syntax, Is that Verdier on a Vibraplane?

Correct, your eyes are really sharp