Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




Showing 1 response by analystt

Just to clarify the timeline, I suspect that you know Michael’s writing all started after he was the sound design supervisor for TRON in 1982 – he was responsible for the finished soundtrack, consisting of music and sound effects. He first showed up on the TAS masthead in the Sept/Oct 1986 - Vol. 11/Issue 43, as a Correspondent (LA). The next issue, Nov/Dec 1986 - Vol. 11/Issue 44, he was listed at the Popular Music Editor, right up until the Dec. 1994 - Vol. 19/Issue 100, where he was listed as Senior Editor (Popular Music). Come the next issue Vol. 20/Issue 101 – no Mikey. He didn’t show up on the Stereophile masthead until July 1995, Vol. 18/Issue 7, where he was listed as a Contributing Editor (Hardware), where he has been ever since. (Yes, I have just about every issue of each magazine! 😉). Now, he’s headed back to TAS... You just can’t make this stuff up...