I have a Weiss Minerva and couldn't tell the difference between the firewire and optical outputs from my Mac Mini. Frankly, I didn't really care either. Like Trebejo said, firewire is good for other applications where speed is required. I do not believe that firewire is superior to most methods of digital transfer. Also, it's not firewire that reduces jitter, it's in the D/A conversion.
Timrhu: When I had my PS Audio DLIII I used a Van den Hul optocoupler cable from my Mini. Are you using the same? If not, what? Just curious. I think it's wonderful cable.
Timrhu: When I had my PS Audio DLIII I used a Van den Hul optocoupler cable from my Mini. Are you using the same? If not, what? Just curious. I think it's wonderful cable.