MHDT dac/Garage 1217 adapter owners your favorite tubes

I have a MHDT Orchid and Havana and gave the Garage 1217 adapter 6922 and 6sn7 a shot. I wasn't expecting much but for $50 I thought it may be worth the gamble. I already had some 6sn7 and 6922 laying around so not much to lose trying the adapters. I was curious if anyone owning the MHDT and adapters had a preference in tube choice in the 6922 and 6sn7 family. Ive got to say I prefer the 6922/6sn7 than the 5670 tube.

My 2 favorite are the 6sn7 RCA gray glass vt-231 they sound very detailed and lush, Siemens 7308 gold pin/Bugle Boy are my favorites.  2 different worlds but my favorites. The Ken Rad black glass and clear bottle and RCA silver print sound very good but not as nice as the the others in my system. The 6922 SQ/PQ gold pin were bright and over detailed.

Anyone have any other experience or suggestions on other 6922/6sn7 for the MHDT dac
6922 SQ/PQ gold pin are Amperex or Philips and are very revealing. You’ve tried quite a few different flavours, so what aspects of sound are you looking for.

There’s Telefunken, great dynamic range, very revealing, and lots of air on top. And expensive. I have the 6922 and the Amperex.
I consider the Sylvania VT-231/6SN7GT 1940s a holy grail tube. Low noise-floor, transparent, revealing, with 3D holographic imaging. There are many types of 6SN7 Sylvanias, most present music very realistically.
The RCA 6SN7GTB side-getter white lettering is less warm and coloured than the grey glass, dynamic, with airy highs.

Never heard of a Siemens 7308 gold pin/Bugle Boy. Amperex makes Bugle Boys and has the BB logo. Also, there is no 7308, only 6922 and 6DJ8.
Siemens makes excellent tubes. Does yours have the BB logo of a whistling tube?

Good source...

Sorry low rider I should of said, Siemens 7308 and the Amprex bugle boy are my 2 favorite 6922 family of tubes not "Siemens 7308 / Bugle boy". 
I'm not looking for a specific sound. Just enjoy the lush relaxed sound of the RCA vt-231 and accuracy of the Siemens the best with the Amprex bugle boy a close third.  Bugle boy has alway been a great all around tube in my preamps over the years and always a go to tube. I would have thought the Amprex SQ or PQ would be more enjoyable but not in my system. 
Full disclosure; I have an all tube system including an Audio Note Dac. I answered your query since I use the same tube types as you.

Your findings on BB vs PQ are interesting. I think the BB’s have more drive with good air on top. PQ are more laid back.
I loved the BBs in a preamp I once owned.

6922 family (CV2492, CCa especially) are dramatic improvements over the various 5670 native equivalents, even better than the excellent 2C51 and 6cc42. I have not been convinced regarding running 6sn7 in mhdt DACs. While many aspects of sound are better than from the native 5670 variants, I haven't found 6sn7 family tubes to be as uniformly advancing and transformational as upper tier 6922 variants.

This includes trying Treasure CV181z, 1944 production Sylvania 6sn7a metal base, Syl bad boys and fat boys, RCA coin base, various Tung Sol and Ken-Rad off-letter variants. 6sn7 can beat basic 6dj8 in the MHDT upgrade buffer sweepstakes, but once you get into the upper tier of 6922 alt-tubes, my experience so far is that there's more nuance, tone and precision in the premium 6922 path.
