MG 20 R with Pass Labs XVR1 crossover settings ?

I am hoping that some members are using the Pass Labs XVR1 active crossover with their 20Rs. Certainly I would like to share my settings and to find out any other techniques that you might have discovered using this crossover. One thing for sure is that the XVR1 sounds way more sweeter than my previous Bryston 10B. XVR1 is a fantastic statement product from Pass Labs.

Showing 1 response by terryakhan

Teajay, thank you.
1. Low pass crossover frequency and gain setting are totally different between the two units. My 10B was always set at 200 hz crossover at 18db to get the bass response I was looking for, should I set the Pass at this position the bass overshadows everything else so I have reverted to Magnepan's recommended 100 hz(Pass closest hz is 103) at 12db.
The 10B gain was always at 3 o'clock and the Pass at 11 o'clock.
2. I have owned my 10B for 15 years and loved it very much, however, the Pass is far more superior in every way. Clarity and focus, pace and timing, micro and macro dynamics have dramatically improved. And not to mention the deepest sledge hammer bass. Never thought my 20r's can play music like this. Got me wondering what the 20.1 will sound like. Complex music passages are now extremely easy to follow without paying full attention.
The retail price is now 4000.00 and I hope many more of us can buy this unit, it is worth every penny and if there was some way I could have tried out this unit sooner I would have paid the full 6000.00 list price. This component has created the largest sonic improvement out of my speakers so far.

I sold my 10B and the new owner is seriouly spellbound listening to active biamping with his 3.6
However, I do not feel you need any subs on your 3.6
I do hope more speaker manufacturers will provide bypassable crossover so more of us can active biamp.