I own several MFSL gold cd's.Most of the titles I own sound better than the redbook version.That being said,there is no way I would pay the high prices these things are being offered for here and on e-bay,especially used ones.Really,$500.00 for a copy of DSOTM,I don't think so!!I guess value is in the eye of the beholder and if someone wants to spend that much it is their choice.I know someone will post that "insert title here" is a collectable,that is fine,just not for me.MFSL is still releasing limited titles from time to time and this is where I buy mine.There is also an authorized MFSL seller on e-bay that doesn't jack-up the prices.I would not pay anything over what a new one from them costs,but,that's just me.Enjoy.
MFSL cd's vs. Redbook cd's
I am still fairly new to this hobby. Prior to a couple of months ago, I had never heard of Mobile Fidelity cd's. How much better sounding are these disc compared to standard redbook cd's of the same title? Do the high prices on eBay and other sites equate to a higher quality listening experience? Thanks in advance for your feedback.