MF A308 vs newer integrateds

A question for those of you familiar with my Musical Fidelity amp, which was the top of their line about ten years ago: what recent used integrated would represent a significant upgrade at a cost no more than 6K? Hegel H360? Devialet 200? Luxeman? I like the UK sound and I don't want to color my ATCs beyond a slight warmth, if need be. I'm wary of making a change and having only a modicum of difference in the sound. I don't currently have the ability to audition anything. This is an exploratory mission, with action to follow later.
Thanks, all.

Showing 1 response by russ69

I think at your current situation you would want to go to separate components to reach the next level. I could be wrong, I have never shopped for an integrated in a class that is better than an A300.