Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC

I own an Eastern Electric DAC, the older one with volume control, no mods. Have any of you in the community compared these two units? Would I be better off doing the op amp upgrade, buy the newest EE with upgrades?

I have enjoyed the EE and like it well enough, but I am curious about the Metrum. I would like slightly more warmth, more fullness, a little more meat and bones, without losing any of the detail I now enjoy.

Showing 8 responses by sibelius

I've also thought about doing a comparison with the Metrum but am waiting for the new Metrum Hex to come out. I'm guessing that we will see a bunch of Octaves on the Market as folks decide to upgrade...

Keep us informed if you decide to do a shoot-out.
Agree that DAC+ with discrete opamps (Dexa or Burson) and NOS tube is much more analog sounding than stock unit. Unless you have heard these mods you really have not heard the unit at its full potential.
For what it is worth, I have a EE DAC + with NOS (Mullard)tube and Dexa opamps. For my money, the biggest improvement (by far) in regards to sound quality came from swapping out stock opamps to the Dexa's or Bursons. Replacing stock tube to NOS did improve things but not nearly as much as the opamps. I have also spent a lot of time listening to the unit in both SS and tube mode. While I prefer tube mode the difference is much more subtle than I would have expected. Again, the discrete opamps have a much larger influence on sound.

In regards to the OP's question, I have placed an order for a Metrum and will be able to do a direct comparison between it and a Dexa modified EE. While I have generally preferred tube equipment over SS in the past, I consider myself equipment agnostic and will keep the unit I like best. Will post more after I receive the Octave.

Mikirob - Great. Will be interested in reading about your findings. Congrats on finding a used Octave. I've been looking for about three weeks without any success. I'm really looking forward to comparing the two.
Received my new Metrum Octave last Tuesday and have had 5 extended sessions listening to a variety of music (jazz, rock, solo piano, solo violin, orchestral). In all sessions I have also been switching in and out my modded Eastern Electric Dac Plus (with Dexa discrete opamps and Mullard NOS tube) for comparison purposes.

My impression of the Metrum is that this NOS DAC is very smooth and analog like. The music has great flow with little sibilance or listener fatigue.

When I swap the modded EE Dac plus back in my system there is more resolution and dynamics while also eliminating any unpleasant digital glare. This has been my impression across all listening sessions and musical selections. The smoothness of the Metrum renders every disc I've played extremely listenable and satisfying. However,the modded EE Dac just seems to capture a bit more detail and nuance in the music and in the end I find I have a stronger emotional connection while listening with the EE Dac.

That being said, I can see situations where a Metrum may be preferred. Folks with very detailed systems might enjoy the more laid back presentation of the Metrum compared to the more dynamic EE. As with everything in Audio, system synergy and musical priorities are paramount.

For reference,the following is the rest of the equipment I have been using:

Shindo Vosne-Romanee Preamp
Shindo Haut-Brion Amp
PS Audio PWT Transport
Tonian classic 12 Speakers

I will continue to play around with the Metrum for a while to see if any of my impressions change over time.
Devilboy: Thank you. It's taken me a lot of time and experimenting to get to the point where I recognize my musical biases and feel like I've matched my equipment reasonably well. I would never claim that HE speaker/low power amp camp is the most accurate way to reproduce music. However, I find I respond emotionally to the music more with this combo than any other I've tried to date.

Enjoy the Metrum. It's on its way.

Have not heard of Sonic Imagery. Would be interested in hearing them sometime. In addition to the Dexas I also have Burson discrete opamps that have a completely different sonic signature. Where the Dexas are clean and crystaline in character, the Bursons have more meat on the bone with better bass.

Overall I listened to the Metrum Octave for about 16-17 hours over 6 separate sessions. The sonic character of the Octave was extremely consistant over all my listening sessions. The musical differences between the Metrum (NOS) and modded EE DAC + (SABRE) were very apparent from the beginning. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of listeners would be able to identify which of the two DACs they preferred rather quickly. I think it might be harder when comparing two NOS DACS or two SABRE DACS. Since my sonic preference never wavered over the entire time I compared the DACS I felt comfortable in my decision.