Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC

I own an Eastern Electric DAC, the older one with volume control, no mods. Have any of you in the community compared these two units? Would I be better off doing the op amp upgrade, buy the newest EE with upgrades?

I have enjoyed the EE and like it well enough, but I am curious about the Metrum. I would like slightly more warmth, more fullness, a little more meat and bones, without losing any of the detail I now enjoy.

Showing 10 responses by mikirob

Sibelius, I believe everyone who states that EE Plus sounds better with the Discrete Op Amps upgraded; but I haven't heard from many members who have heard both DAC and can offer a comparison. In fact, I think only one Metrum owner that also owned an EE has replied. He liked the Metrum better.

I really like the EE, but I guess I will have to spend some money to find out if Metrum is better than an upgraded EE Plus. None of my family or friends own a Metrum to compare. So, I think I'll get the EE upgraded Plus, listen, and see if I can get a Metrum on lone (or 30 day trial) and conduct a shoot out with brothers and friends.
Thanks for the responses, frankly, I thought I'd get at least several more folks here who have direct comparison. Mr. Tennis, I am tube biased as well, pun intended, and have swapped out a number of 12au7s since I purchased the unit. These include: Mullard, RCA Clear Tops and more...I settled on Shuguang Black Treasure. Very nice indeed. I also installed upgraded fuse. I like it very much, the EE is a stellar performer stock, with these minor changes; but I am curios about th Metrum, it appears from the threads I've read so far on the A'gon to have a type of sound I "might" enjoy even more than my current set up.
Hi Morningstaraudio,

Your 2Cents is highly valued. So, the Dexa Discrete Op amp is the ticket to a more analogue sound, more warmth, more body to the sound? How much in the older volume control unit? Also, I'm in southern GA about 40 minutes north of Jacksonville, FL. How far from here are you? Might be worth a drive to drop it off and get the mod.
I mistakenly thought Morningstar was located in GA, my bad. Still no meaningful comparison to Metrum. If none, I believe I will buy a Metrum and conduct a shoot out and purchase the upgraded new EE if it wins, since it doesn't appear that any one here has compared side by side.

Thanks to all that replied. I bought the EE based on Doug Schroeder review.
Thanks, yes looking forward to those Metrum shaking loose. I don't think the Hex will be a good bang for buck, so I think I'll stay in EE Plus or Octave class, would rather spend my money elsewhere., not lone above.
Thanks Dpatterson,
What was it about the Metrum sound that you liked in particular? Was it warm, did it have body, was timbre correct, was it musical?
Gopher, nice system. I hope to move to either Shindo or Leben soon from my Cary 280v in my main rig.
Sibelius, I am doing the same, except I found a used Metrum, should arrive in about week. Then I need to purchase the EE upgraded plus and intend to do that after I listen to the original EE no upgrades against the Metrum.