Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC

I own an Eastern Electric DAC, the older one with volume control, no mods. Have any of you in the community compared these two units? Would I be better off doing the op amp upgrade, buy the newest EE with upgrades?

I have enjoyed the EE and like it well enough, but I am curious about the Metrum. I would like slightly more warmth, more fullness, a little more meat and bones, without losing any of the detail I now enjoy.

Showing 5 responses by devilboy

Wow Sibelius. After checking out the equipment in your system, I really am quite envious and hold your opinion regarding the EE/Metrum comparison in high regard. High efficiency speakers driven by low power tube amps is definitely my cup of tea. Thanks for you input and looking forward to a follow up.
Morganc: Apparently you will soon have three very well regarded dacs in your possession. I'm interested to see what you think...

Sibelius Just many hours of burn in did you give the Metrum before selling it?
Eugene81: Forgive me if you've already mentioned this, but what USB/spdif converter are you using? I had the Mach2Music HiFace2 but ultimately returned it because I was getting "clicks and pops" during playback. According to the advice of some members, I was supposed to increase the buffer size. I've asked those members how this is done, but have yet to receive an answer.
Eugene81: I'm running PureMusic. Is buffer size controlled/changed in iTunes or in PureMusic? I assume PureMusic?