Metrum Dac owners


Recently purchased an Onyx, which is a very impressive dac.  I'm just wondering if you guys use any USB to SPDIF devices like the Schiit EITR or USB regenators, and do they make any difference?


Showing 4 responses by nitewulf

Copy and paste from my head-fi post, I reviewed with actual music and noted my observations, unlike going through the same 5 audiophile recordings and using nebulous descriptors like blacker backgrounds and tighter bass, so bare with me:

Yes, I just purchased the Onyx. Stupendous Fidelity. I would have a hard time believing anything bettering it at it's price range. I haven't heard the Yggdrasil though so can't comment on that, I'm just not a fan of OS dacs so it wasn't really in my list to buy. My reference dac was PS AudioPerfectwave MK2 for years till that started acting up on me. As a stop gap I have been using the CA Dacmagic+. The jump from Dacmagic+ is pretty large. The delineation of instruments in space is very precise, from a width and depth perspective, DM+ was pretty vague, but I'm not gonna use typical audiophile lingo here as DM+ is a high-res, good dac for the price, but not at all in the same class as the Onyx.

My PWD2 was always used on NativeX mode (NOS), and you could say I prefer this sound signature, the Onyx is easily a lot more high resolution, without really trying, the details are just there. Bigger stage, easier to listen to. One of my typical reference/test track is Fleetwood Mac's 'Dreams', all dacs should and will place Stevie Nicks in the middle of course, most dacs worth their salt should be able to place Lindsay to the right and middle height during the chorus, and Christie to the left, and you should be able to discern their backup vocals among all the other instrumentation. All the cymbal hits should be striking and decay very nicely. Now, the few great dacs should be able to tell you that Christie is taller than Nicks and is standing farther away. The Onyx EASILY tells you that, along with making Lindsey and Christie's vocals much sharper and easier to discern within that sound stage, among the cacophony of everything else. Like I said, Stupendous Fidelity.

Additionally, after about a month or so of listening:

It basically sounds good with everything, a very high res, high bandwidth dac which has no fatiguing qualities as far as I can tell, and this is without any USB cleaners or power conditioners on my chain. Those are two of my next points of upgrade, hence the thread.

If you listen to a lot of well recorded acoustic, or jazz...the immediacy and organic nature will astound you (given the rest of your system)...the short intakes of breath, blowing on wind instruments, hands plucking guitars and fingers sliding on the strings, little things you've never noticed before that were always on the recordings but just muffled/veiled will just be there all of a sudden, not as distractions, rather as parts of the recording.

I am highly impressed with what Metrum can offer for this kind of money.

@roncagg , yeah let us know. I'm honestly confused by the vast array of things out there. I was gonna get a Schiit Eitr and call it a day but sometimes manufacturers optimize particular inputs, and I'm not sure if the coax input in Metrum dacs would be better than the USB inputs. There are way too many USB isolators/regenarators. IFI has like 26 devices, Uptone Regen/LPS is also something I'm considering, it'll take me a while to make up my mind.
I am using a DIY power cable and silver interconnects (VH Audio recipe) that I made a while back and a generic USB cable. Honestly not much of a cable believer, a generic 20 feet $15 cable from the phono stage to the tube integrated sounds fantastic so I am not sure about cables at all.

But I am planning to buy a Uptone ISO-gen to link from the PC to the DAC, I can see value in that, being an EE myself. Audible, may be not, but it's solid engineering.
I have been using an Uptone Regen with an iFi iPower adapter.  I'm not hearing anything significant....I guess? I'm not a believer of this or cables. It was a peace of mind thing I suppose. Sounded great before, sounds great now. I mean I could try to A/B experiment but it all sounds very good regardless. I think if you train your mind to expect "digital glare" (whatever that is), you may start hearing it and get yourselves fatigued for no good reason. I recommend some decent weed for all of you, specially with the advent of vape oils...try a hybrid and just enjoy.