Merrill amps at Audiophile Society meeting

I went to the meeting at David Nemzer's house and came away very impressed with the Merrill Veritas amps that were being demonstrated. I've heard David's Pipedream speakers many times, but have never heard them sound this good. Several club members made the same observation. Looking forward to hearing the amps again soon.

Other Comments from the group? -- Mark Block
I have the Merril Amps, and I was surprised myself when I switched power cords to the Lessloss Sig, there was a noticeable improvement in sound. It was more analog sounding, and the high-end was more detailed/dynamic.

Did not expect this at all - - I find it interesting you have noticed this power cable opportunity as well. . .

I am curious what power cables did you use that you found better?
Dan92075: I have not tried that many, yet. A friend who has the Veritas likes his Combak Harmonix Cables with it very much. Maybe it would be worth to start a thread and see.
I think I will as I am curios too.