
Responses from dan92075

Linear ATX Power Supply
I have a async USB DAC with galvanic isolation (Wyred DAC2SE),and I am using a Wireworld Platinum USB cable with further isolation of the noisy DC pins on the USB.Would I still get an improvement with a linear supply if I am using async USB from a... 
Power Cables you like with Merrill Veritas Amps
As I mentioned in another post, I preferred the sound of the Lessloss Signature cables to the stock TWL. But then trying the stock TWL on my DAC was better than the Lessloss!So I swapped them and won both ways so I am quite happy!On the Veritas am... 
Merrill amps at Audiophile Society meeting
I have the Merril Amps, and I was surprised myself when I switched power cords to the Lessloss Sig, there was a noticeable improvement in sound. It was more analog sounding, and the high-end was more detailed/dynamic.Did not expect this at all - -... 
Review: The Merrill Audio Veritas Monoblocks
On a whim - I tried out my Lessloss Signature power cords on the Merrill Amps - I am going directly into my outlets.Going into this test I was not expecting any improvement since the sound was already quite good with the TWL.I have Wisdom Audio L7... 
Active audio cables ? I have no proof it works
Audioman58,Reread the Absolute Sound review.You need to hook up the Galileo Universal Speaker Cell between your speaker and the cable. It only costs $2500 per pair.Also there is a Galileo Universal Interconnect Cell for another $2500/pair that you... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Audiozen,The Bel Canto amplifiers that are replacing the power module with a linear supply instead of a switching supply are still keeping the class d amp the same module.This means its a class D pulse width modulated amplifier.I wish you would st... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Audiozon,His patent application lists him as Patrik Brostrom of Abletec, I will take your word for it that is a typo and he is Patrik Bostrom of Abletec.But one thing that is absolutely clear from the diagrams in the patent is that his design uses... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
I was curious so I looked up Brostrom (Abletec) patent applicationsEarlier these were touted as a new revolutionary class D designHere are some of my observations:1). the design clearly still relies on feedback, contrary to earlier assertions(as a... 
new Triode Wire Labs rave review at StereoTimes
Dalig - why do you think that the power cord carries only one frequency?That is simply not correct. . 
Hypex Ncore NC400
Nsirkin,Thats great - I'll sure bet you are excited about the Veritas amps!FYI, there was a bunch of discussion recently over on audiocircle and the few lucky owners of NC1200 amps (basically either the Merrill or the Atsah) are all reporting they... 
Hypex Ncore NC400
Nsirkin,Any comparisons of the nc1200 modules with your nc400s?I assume that the nc1200s are a commercial brand, and if so do you mind sharing which one? 
Hypex Ncore NC400
Simon,I see the specs in stereo mode but I could not find any specs in monoblock mode for the Spectron.Since you claim distortion reduction (and indeed as I have said I have heard the improvement) I am curious what are the THD or IMD values in mon... 
Hypex Ncore NC400
not necessarily - the Spectron for example is a whole level better as a monoblock in bridged mode - - myself as well as many other users can attest to that. Spectron has plenty of power for most speakers so its not a power issue. Spectron claims c... 
W4S DAC1/STI-500 vs DAC2/ST-500
oh - I thought the sti-500 was their preamp but now I see its actually their integrated ampSo please disregard question! :) 
W4S DAC1/STI-500 vs DAC2/ST-500
Tubeking,If your using home theater bypass on the DAC2 why not go directly into the power amp?Have you tried that configuration?