Meridian vs PS Audio

Hello AG folks and happy new year.

I would like some opinions on something I am contemplating. I own a rare factory Meridian 808v6 CD player that I bought new. I sold an Esoteric K01X after listening to them for a month. As good as they both are the unmistakable sound of digital was present in the Esoteric and absent from the Meridian. Now to my question. I am curious about the PS Audio DMP transport Direct Stream DAC combo vs my Meridian. Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated. Thank you all


Showing 1 response by mahler123

I have no idea, having never heard the Meridian.  2 questions for you.

1) I believe the Meridian does MQA.  If I recall it was the player that came out the same time MQA was released.  Is that important to you?  Can the DAC be accessed independently?  I don’t think there are very many MQA discs are out there.

2) Does the Meridian play SACD, and is that important?


Regarding PS Audio, they are rumored to be having a DAC upgrade soon