Meridian Direct DAC - Opinions

I'm currently using a Meridian Direct DAC while streaming via a Bluesound Node 2i.  I picked up the DAC a few years ago for half-price when it was discontinued.  I like how it sounds; in fact, I think that CDs streamed via FLAC files from my NAS drive sound better than CDs played on my (older) Meridian 508.24 CD player.  I also prefer it to the internal DAC on the Node 2i.

My question is about how much DACs may have improved in recent years.  The Direct DAC is probably 10 year old technology.  I believe it sold for US$ 700 when new.  Would current DACs in that price range (say, something like the Schitt Bifrost 2 or the Denafrips Ares II, for example) offer any meaningful improvement?

For reference, the rest of the system is decent stuff, but mostly twenty years old.  Classe CP-45 preamp, CA-150 amp, Platinum Audio Solo speakers, Nordost Red Dawn interconnects, Transparent speaker cable.  System is capable of very good detail and soundstage and I'm very happy with it (which is why I have not changed much in 20 years, but for the digital front end).  Just curious if updating the DAC is worth looking into.

The answer to the question without a question mark is that the biggest jump in DAC SQ HAS been in the last 10 years.
BTW $700 10 years ago is almost $900 today.
Agree about Meridian players, but If you really want to experience top of the line Meridian, see if you can get a dealer to let you try an 818v3.  I've gone from Meridian 500 to 588 and as good as those both were, neither come close to the magic that the 818v3 produces.  
Yes, I recall the 508 was around $3,500 when I purchased it around 1996 or 1997.  It was actually a 508.20.  I was having some problems with the transport and had to send it back for a warranty repair, and they changed the DAC to the 24-bit version while it was there (for a small fee).  The unit is still going strong nearly 25 years later although, admittedly, I now mostly stream from the NAS drive, Tidal and Qobuz.  
I have listened to lots and lots of different CD players with internal DACs such as your Meridian 508 24 or transports with external DACs.  In all instances, I have heard none better, for the money, than the Meridian.  I believe your 508.24 was originally $3-4k.  To further throw fuel on the fire, I have a Meridian 506.20 and a 506.24.  The 506.20, in my opinion sounds better than the 506.24.  Perhaps sometimes technology gets in the way of what our ears really want?  In my book Meridian is the digital king and unless you want to spend just tons of money, you're there.  Just my opinion.  Interesting topic though, would be curious about others input.