Merging NADAC with Innuos Zenith Roon core?

A little confused, but if you setup your Zentih as a Roon core, and connect a Merging NADAC to the network via Ethernet, will it just work as a end point?

zenith only has a USB out so curious. 


Hi @carlsbad2 

the best option if you like Roon UI and have a Innuos server is to set Room as the server but you use Zenith as the output engine (squeezelite) instead of the Room RAAT output. Most will say the Squeezelite output is better sound quality than Roon RAAT but then some say Room has closed the gap over last 6 months on that. 

sense is great but it’s a flip Of the switch in Sense to choose Roon core (squeezelite) or Sense. So best of both worlds if you like options. 

I don’t know what a Merging NADAC is but I will share that I didn’t like the Innuos as a Roon core. It is the only roon core I ever heard that I thought affected the sound. I think Innuos wants you to use the Sense app.

Make your own decisions, just sharing my experience.
