Member's recommendations for tube amplification

Your thoughts on options to consider:

- I'd prefer SET (open to DHT but not a requirement).

- I'm not looking for overtly warm, romantic or lush options.

- Minimum power in the teens to twenties, 10W being the floor.

- Open to higher power push-pull amps, but let's limit ceiling to around 60W.

- Single ended is fine though having XLR inputs would be nice (doesn't have to be true balanced)

- I'm cool with single chassis or monos.

- I have preferences for tube types, but leaving it open ended to get broad recommendations.

- I'm currently running an all solid state system, though have had tube based systems built around ARC, BAT, Ayon, Melody, Pathos, etc.

- Preamp will be a Pass XP-20 or the Metrum Adagio DAC direct to the amp.

- I'd like to stay around 3K used but can push the budget to 6K new/used.

- Speaker sensitivity is 94dB and higher.


Showing 14 responses by charles1dad

Hi Mountainsong, 
The Italians make some really fine 845 SET amplifiers 
Audio Frontiers 
Viva , which I'm most familiar with and they sound superb. 
Well implemented 845 SETs are beautiful sounding for sure. It's good to see you soon thoroughly happy. 
That would be my guess and the fact this was a pretty popular VAC amplifier so there are more of them available. 
I’ve expressed on many occasions my unabashed joy with the Coincident Frankenstein. I truly suspect that I’d be just as thrilled with the Line Magnetic 508ia. It is reputed to have high quality output transformers and power supply. 805 tube driven by the 300b? Sounds like a formula for superb sound quality if implemented correctly. My gut feeling is that this is a very top tier amplifier. I will say that the Frankenstein is one of the very best sounding Amplifiers I’ve ever heard. I don’t see how someone could possibly go wrong with either excellent choice.
David I'd judge the choices based purely on sound quality.  The Line Magnetic 508ia for example is an integrated amplifier that by all accounts outperforms many stand alone power amplifiers.  Also I believe that the preamp section can be bypassed if so desired. It seems the 508ia has a good pre section that responds to tube upgrading.  Waltersalas can certainly address this aspect. 

A high quality integrated can be built with better parts and transformers than some power amplifiers,  it all depends. 
I viewed your system page and you have a very nice one,  it must sound fantastic.  I noticed that you have the Gryphon Mephisto amplifier.  Do you alternate between this and the SET Frankenstein MK II?  If so what a "very" stark contrast they must provide given their vastly different power and topologies.  I find this very interesting. 
Hi hddg, 
I've the same amplifier as you and have enjoyed it immensely the past 8 years. I've had zero issues or difficulty dealing with the company owner, he's consistently been supportive and responsive during those 8 years. 

No doubt that anyone  is perfect or always pleases everyone. Sorry to hear you had some problems with him. By the way I also have their Statement Line Stage and it is indeed superb. 
Audiogon member Waltersalas uses the Line Magnetic 508ia with his Double Impacts and says the results are stunning.  No shortage of exceptional amplifier options for this speaker. 
You’re in a good situation, speakers that have made you happy and a top notch Pass Labs XA 30.8 as  your amplifier reference point. Your approach is very rational, taking time to learn more about the "many" fine choices available to you. I believe that your quest will end very successfully. Your thread has generated informative commentary and perspective.
Hi Larryi,
As usual good and well written perspective.  I honestly believe that clio09 did very effectively point out the potential variables and compromise inherently present in these situations.  He clearly recognizes and described his positive experiences with lower power SET without extrapolating to make this a given outcome for everyone else. 

Maybe it's just me but I thought his reply to Bill was very well explained. 
I believe that I'm as opened minded as you or anyone else.  At the end of the day we all have our unique listening preferences and know what we like.  I have in fact encouraged others on this forum to seriously consider the Lyngdorf 2170 for their audio systems.  

Why would I suggest a product that I have not personally heard? I did it strictly out of respect for your high opinion of it based on your happy ownership and nothing more. Having an open mind means that I can appreciate the positive experiences of other audiogon members and make others aware of them.

Yes I am very fond of lower power SET amplifiers for meeting "my" musical needs.  I have also stated clearly on numerous occasions that these types of amplifiers won't satisfy every listener.  Numerous times I've written this acknowledgement. 

Having an open mind doesn't necessitate having to always agree and have the same outcomes. 
Hi Bill,
I believe that you are misinterpreting my response. I included clio09’s " hibernation" reply to express that his comments are insightful and that he "shouldn’t " consider returning to a state of hibernation i.e.. Forum inactivity. Sorry for the confusion but I thought that the body of my post implied that sentiment. 
"I should have stayed in hibernation "
Well clio09, as far as I am concerned you made a very good point. You correctly acknowledged the variables involved that will make each situation have possibly different outcomes.

I own speakers that are 94 dB sensitivity and 14 ohm nominal load. I have driven them with 4 different power amplifiers
100 watt PP tube amplifier 6550/KT 88.
40 watt PP tube amplifier el 34.
40 watt class A solid state amplifier (First Watt S,I,T. 2, PP version)
8 watt 300b SET amplifier .

The speakers/system sounds exceptionally well with any of the 4 amplifiers. The best sounding match "overall" of the group is when using the 8 watt SET. So Clio 09 my experiences are similar to yours and yet this won’t be the case for everyone for the various reasons you’ve already covered.

Any of the 4 power amplifiers I used would I’m sure sound very good driving the Double Impacts. Although these 4 amplifiers vary in power quantity all of them are high quality in design and implementation.  
BTW Clio09 I heard the Jack Elliano 300b SET driving the 4 ohm Horning Eufrodite speakers in the High Water Audio room at CES several years ago.  This combination filled a good sized room with beautiful sound. One of the best sounding systems of the entire show. Elliano knows how to build a superb sounding amplifier 😊. 
You’ve received some terrific suggestions and replies. In my humble opinion I don’t believe you’ll find one "best" amplifier choice. Some of the amplifiers mentioned I’ve had the pleasure of actually hearing.
VAC Renaissance 300b push pull
Jack Elliano Electra 300b SET
Atma-Sphere MA -1 and M-60

Any of these (and others) would sound excellent with your Double Impacts. I can’t think of a reason why they would not. Each will bring their individual beauty to your system. Really impossible to say that these or my Frankenstein is "the right choice ". You simply have numerous superb options, that’s good 😊.
Hello David,
I find your sunlight analogy for the Double Impacts effective and accurate based on my recent extensive listening session with them. Mated to my amplifier(Coincident Frankenstein MK II) the combination was exceptionally open, transparent, lively/vivid yet at the same time natural and without stress. High resolution nuanced sound but devoid of an analytical character, overall very clear and natural "sunlight" 😊. You captured the Double Impact character well, I certainly heard the same. 