Melissa Etheridge, Dean Martin Albums - Suggestion

I'd like to add a few CDs of Melissa Etheridge and Dean Martin's albums to my collection. Can you recommend a few good ones? FYI, I don't have any albums of them yet.

There are some nice tracks on that Dino album but I would miss "Memories are made of This"
I would look into a Greatest Hits collection as well.
Love Melissa's Yes I Am. I play this maybe once a year so it just grabs my attention and takes me for a ride. Crank it up!
I'm a huge fan of Melissa Etheridge. I'm pretty sure I have everything she has ever done on both vinyl and CD. I really like her earlier stuff better.

My favorite albums are:

Melissa Etheridge
Brave and Crazy
Never Enough
Yes I Am

You could just start with "Greatest Hits: The Road Less Traveled" and go from there.

Can't really help you with Dean Martin, although I did just get the new MOFI LP release of "This Time I'm Swingin" and it is really good.