Meitner i upgrades

New i upgrades are available for Meitner DACs. It’s an extensive upgrade requiring a trip back to the factory in Calgary, Ontario and dealers are facilitating the process. I should be getting a return authorization number soon to send in my MA3. Cost for the MA3 upgrade is $3500. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement for a not outrageous cost (by hi-end audio standards). Details are on the Meitner website.


I replaced my MA3 with the new MA3i. The difference is huge. Gone is the softness associated with the old unit. New 7nit is a lot quieter, more dynamic and more nuanced. You can really hear into the music. Same wide and deep soundstage. I  believe this to be a really worthwhile upgrade. 

I also had my unit upgraded to the MA3i version.  I concur with all of the positive comments above, a very worthwhile upgrade.  Improvements in my ability to locate instruments in space, hear the reverb decay, improvements in ability to detect the depth of an instrument.   Better slam and attack.     A great upgrade!


One more strong recommendation for the upgrade.  Low level detail has increased noticeably, the periphery of the sound stage has become more 'filled in', overall more presence for instruments and voices.  Also, the entire presentation has become more open and spacious.  A major improvement across the board.