Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.
I have hit/won over 60 times playing State lottery and scratch offs. I think, as of last year I was up over $362k. I reinvest it in Audio, music, sports cars and travel. So what I spend is of no consequence to me. I am also professionally trained in stocks, options and crypto.  Playing with the "houses $$" makes it all seem like an exciting game/hobby of leisure. 

What do care with what others do with their funds?
I grew up in a  very low middle class neighborhood. Only a few of us that I know of became successful and financially independent through hard work and education. Many of my friends from childhood would likely cringe to see the stuff I spend money on.
 America offers EVERYONE the greatest opportunity for financial freedom and success that the world has ever known. It doesn't just land in your lap, you have to apply yourself and take advantage of the vast opportunities that are just waiting for you to snatch them up. No excuses needed.

I think there is probably a distinction that can be drawn between someone spending >$200k system and someone spending that same amount on a single component (such as the TT mentioned by the OP).

Still, though, it’s tough to apply logic (financial, time or otherwise) to things you are passionate about (e.g., music, travel, cars, watches, sports, etc)

Case in point, I went to a big box home store on Friday to buy some new lawn equipment.  Spent $250 and felt ill afterwards.   If someone told me a $250 bag of magic powder improved bass response if sprinkled in each corner of my listening room, I’d buy 4 bags and not even blink.

Queue the responses offering said magic powder...
"...$500k audio system is extravagant, nonetheless, regardless of income..."

It is by my standards and I did well financially but 500K is a good chunk of change for most everyone, even the so called rich.