Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.

Showing 5 responses by millercarbon

Leaving CA was a whole thread. We had a slew of absolutely reprehensible "discussions" around that time, a veritable paroxysm of libtard angst acting out against common sense. Invariably these things are started by leftists intent on virtue signaling. These things always go awry. Well they have no arguments in support of their indefensible positions, and being unable to admit defeat (or even just quietly go away) the discussion devolves into mindless insults, innuendo, and worse. That in a nutshell was the CA thread.   

But no, that's not what I was referring to. It was a post not a discussion. That's why it reads, "Do like I said, report HIM."   

Around that same time frame we also had a couple people coming back again and again, getting banned for the same abuse again and again, one of them even bragging about it. "You think this is my first rodeo?" he said, "You think you can stop me?" Brazenly taunting like that. That's what I was referring to. 

We got rid of a few of them, and it sure seems to me the level of discourse has improved the last several weeks as a result.
So you’re telling us all how great you are for giving each of your kids half a mill. And telling us all what to do with our money. Gee thanks, I was waiting for someone with impeccable morals to lecture me on that. But what are you doing for the needy person who needs a leg up? It’s all sanctimonious virtue-signaling, as far as I can see.
csmgolf, you make a good case. Do like I said, report him. We got one post removed. Next is to keep bugging the mods until they wake up to what you posted above. So it is good you make us all aware, but mostly we need to make the mods aware. As I just pointed out to them, there are only so many IP addresses the guy can use. 
1. Ignore
2. Report
No, you are not John. You are dletch2, adio2design, hotdogbob, sugabooger, atdavid, roberttdid dannad, and I am not sure how many others.

Truly, you are lower than even geoffkaitt was. He was here about 20 years and had more than 20,000 posts. When he was finally banned for abusive behavior, he went away like a man. He hasn't created a new user name and come back. That is far more than can be said about you. You have been banned 10 times give or take and you still come back. Be a man and go away. You already have the record for most times being banned.

The remedy is a two step process:
1. Ignore
2. Report

They go by many names but ultimately it all comes down to the same thing.    
Seriously though, oldhvymec is right.