Mcintosh, YBA, Brinkman integrateds

I'm downsizing my system and I've narrowed my search to these three integrateds: Mcintosh MA6900, YBA Passion Integre and Brinkman The integrated. I would appreciate any opinions on them. I've demo'ed the Mcintosh, but don't have the ability to demo the YBA or the Brinkman (any other integrated recs are appreciated too). I like the Mcintosh, but from what I've read about the YBA and the Brinkman they may be smoother, more grain free, more accurate. The Mcintosh is big and heavy too, the others pretty compact, easier to manage in old age. What's important to me is accurate midrange, clean highs, bass oomph without bloom. I listen mostly to acoustic music (voice and instrument) with a smattering of rock and electronic and R&B (the Mcintosh seemed to do everything well). I've been spoiled by nice components and I don't want this downsize to hurt. I rarely listen in a sweet spot, mostly off to the side. Budget is appropriate for these products. I have an Electro CD player and Tannoy speakers. People seem to generally like the Mcintosh and the YBA without complaint. IYO, what's the best buy and hold option? Thanks for your time!

Showing 1 response by s7horton

I haven't heard the YBA, but I own the Audio Refinement, made by YBA. Others in your price range (used) would include the Mark Levinson 383, and the Jeff Rowland Concentra II. Both of which are excellent pieces. I've heard great things about the Mac also. If you really aren't sure, try to pick the one that you think would have the highest resale. Someone here at audiogon is also looking for something like that, so you wouldn't have trouble getting rid of it.