McIntosh vs Accuphase?

Right now I'm using a Marantz PM-11S1 w/ Monitor Audio Gold floor standers. I'm a big fan of Marantz reference gear and their smooth yet detailed warmth. That said, I'm looking to get an integrated for my bedroom setup with a built-in DAC (no room for separates), which nixes something like the PM-KI Ruby. Looks to me like the McIntosh MA5300 / 7200 or Accuphase E-280 / E-380 fit the bill. I'm not really interested in Hegel or Rotel based on their aesthetics. I kind of like the idea of VU meters as well. So the question is, between the two McIntosh integrated or the Accuphase, what's my play? I'm located in the US so that's two points for Mc (pricing and service). But the Accuphase stuff looks to have much higher quality components, design, and build quality. Though for the price of the E-280 w/ option boards I could get a MA7200 and have spare change. Hmm...

Showing 6 responses by decathlon1991

cleeds3,491 posts
12-11-2020 11:21amdecathlon1991
I have the McIntosh MC2301 Monoblock amplifiers. I seriously doubt that Accuphase will top that in sound quality. If you think so, please provide proof.
Don't be silly. First, no one here owes you proof of anything, just as I'm not going to ask you to prove your claim. Second, "sound quality" in this context is mostly subjective. There's no need to provide proof or justification for any preference.
As far as Moon gear is concerned ... Reliability has always been problematic.
That hasn't been my experience at all. Please tell us about your experience.
It’s just as silly to assume that Accuphase sounds better than McIntosh. Secondly don’t ask for ones experience if you can’t validate your own. Third, the whole point of what I stated if you had read the full comments is that your listing experience is subjective. That’s why I stated, “it’s your money, spend it however you want to”. Let’s be clear since you open the can of words. Your verbiage is of your own opinion, not facts. What is a fact is that I have had issues with Moon gear, but definitely don’t owe you an explanation. It is not my own experiences weather you like it or not. I never stated I dislike Moon gear, I made a choice that was convenient for me. I’d rather enjoy my music then sending equipment back to companies for repairs. In over 40 years, I have owned some interesting gear from various companies all over the world and go off of my own experience of what I have owned in the past. I’m fortunate to do so. I’m quite sure I’m not alone in this category. If your feeling are b.. hurt because you own Moon products and it hasn’t caused you any problem, get over it and enjoy your music. It’s amazing how some folks have never owned any of the high end McIntosh gear but have an opinion about their quality of sound. So many hatters out there without any validity, smh
Not sure what other components these customers use with Accuphase and what cheaper version of the McIntosh amplifiers you are comparing too. I have the McIntosh MC2301 Monoblock amplifiers. I seriously doubt that Accuphase will top that in sound quality. If you think so, please provide proof. As far as Moon gear is concerned, it’s really good gear when it’s working (kinda like Mark Levinson and Krell). Reliability has always been problematic. This is why I don’t invest in their gear anymore. Every company has good and bad gear and some have stellar. McIntosh has definitely done something right, which will explain the companies longevity. It’s your money, spend it how you want to.
Here is an interesting thread about bench testing equipment that is suppose to be perfect in every way. I honestly thought it was about how it sounds! Please read. This article should help any person who is looking for that next great high end gear.

cleeds3,491 posts
12-10-2020 9:33amsolarjam
cleeds-- I have no doubt you had problems with your Aurender .
Every manufacturer has a lemon once in a while.
Quite so, no doubt. My issues with the Aurender were only in part the actual product - which I do not think was a lemon - but also the indifferent support. And to be fair, many users praise Aurender support. But my experience with them unsatisfactory.

I’m spoiled, though, because for decades I’ve had excellent support from companies such as Bryston, Grado, ARC and McIntosh. In years past, I received excellent support from Infinity, Tandberg, Nakamichi and PS Audio. In my experience, Aurender isn’t in their class. Not even close

cleeds3,491 posts
12-11-2020 4:34amlalitk
Sorry to hear about your experience with Aurender
Thanks @lalitk but it’s OK. It’s just an appliance.
... and it appears you’re still pretty miffed about it ...
Oh no, not at all. I was never "miffed" about it, just disappointed. Stuff happens.
I see very little point in dwelling over the past. Move on please....
I think it’s useful for readers to share their honest experiences here.
What’s odd about this is that if we praise a product, we’re subject to being called a "fanboy." Yet if we’re critical, we may be called "miffed" and asked to "move on."

I have moved on, btw - I bought a Bryston BDP-3 from the same dealer where I bought the Aurender. It’s terrific! I use it with Rigelian software and I think I’ll be pleased with it for years, as I have with other Bryston products. And if you think that makes me a "fanboy," that’s your problem.

Wait! Is this you praising McIntosh gear but attacking my personal experiences with Moon or any other product I’ve actually owned in the past? Hmmmm,  SMH. Do you do this with every thread or do you have any validity?? It looks like in your statement, you didn’t have any issues with McIntosh that you mentioned and you definitely didn’t mention anything positive about Moon! Hmmmm.  In fact you talked about Bryson, good products by the way + a 20 year warranty:-)