McIntosh vs Accuphase?

Right now I'm using a Marantz PM-11S1 w/ Monitor Audio Gold floor standers. I'm a big fan of Marantz reference gear and their smooth yet detailed warmth. That said, I'm looking to get an integrated for my bedroom setup with a built-in DAC (no room for separates), which nixes something like the PM-KI Ruby. Looks to me like the McIntosh MA5300 / 7200 or Accuphase E-280 / E-380 fit the bill. I'm not really interested in Hegel or Rotel based on their aesthetics. I kind of like the idea of VU meters as well. So the question is, between the two McIntosh integrated or the Accuphase, what's my play? I'm located in the US so that's two points for Mc (pricing and service). But the Accuphase stuff looks to have much higher quality components, design, and build quality. Though for the price of the E-280 w/ option boards I could get a MA7200 and have spare change. Hmm...

Showing 2 responses by cleeds


Wait! Is this you praising McIntosh gear but attacking my personal experiences with Moon or any other product I’ve actually owned in the past? ...
I haven't attacked you for anything. Perhaps you are confused.
Do you do this with every thread or do you have any validity??
Please feel free to read my other posts on this site and decide for yourself. You might consider that if I've behaved as you suggest the moderators would have excluded me long ago. 
I have the McIntosh MC2301 Monoblock amplifiers. I seriously doubt that Accuphase will top that in sound quality. If you think so, please provide proof.
Don't be silly. First, no one here owes you proof of anything, just as I'm not going to ask you to prove your claim. Second, "sound quality" in this context is mostly subjective. There's no need to provide proof or justification for any preference.
As far as Moon gear is concerned ... Reliability has always been problematic.
That hasn't been my experience at all. Please tell us about your experience.