Mcintosh Streamer or a DAC?

I have a 9.2.7 home theater using Paradigm Active Reference speakers and a Marantz 7702 processor with the pro kit room correction upgrade in a very well treated room. I am using a Blue Sound Node for streaming and a Sony Universal player for CD, Blueray and SACD. I am wondering about getting a Mcintosh MB50 streamer/preamp or a DAC (iFi Signature One or Black Ice Audio FX10 tube dac).

I have seen two youtube reviewers I like that have compared both Mac dacs or dac/ preamps with the iFi and say the iFi holds its own. The Black Ice Audio FX10 would introduce tubes into my all solid state system and I have never tried tubes before. The MB50 is around $1500 on the second hand market, the iFi is around $350 new and the Black Ice Dac around $1200 new. The Paradigm Active speakers are self powered and have both an XLR and RCA connection that I can toggle between so I can easily have two separate components connected at the same time.


Any suggestions? Thanks!


Showing 1 response by mahler123

I have never heard the Mac or the Black Ice but in general I would go for the best DAC .  It sounds like you still play a lot of discs, and imo for streaming the DAC is the more important determinant of the sound.  Both the Node and the Sony Universal players have less than ideal DACs, so you will get the best value by using the money for a DAC upgrade.