I just bought a Mcintosh MX 160 Home Theater Controller.  I have read that running the Mcintosh Room Correction Program is quite complicated and time consuming.  I have tried finding local HT installation companies that would do this for me, along with supplying and programing a remote control for me.  They either don’t know the Mac system, or want several thousand dollars to do this for me.  I even tried Best Buy in my area, who has full Mcintosh Demo rooms.  He wanted $4500 to $7500 to do these two things, using their GEEK SQUAD people.  This seems pretty outlandish to me?  Is there anyone in the lower half of Michigan, or upper half of Ohio that knows how to do these two jobs?  I would gladly pay for your travel and a day of helping me out.  I’ m retired, and not computer qualified to take on these two jobs.  Thank all of you for reading this, and pointing me in a good direction.

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Showing 1 response by kr4

It uses "Room Perfect" which is one of the easiest RCs and it generally works very well. Full instructions are in the manual on page 28.

What do you find difficult?


FWIW, almost every local dealer/shop that I have dealt with has had no interest in adjusting or installing any piece of equipment that they have not sold. The prices that they quote are meant to deter you without saying either that they can’t do it or that they refuse to do it.  If you live near me (NYC - UES), I'll do it for a beer.