Mcintosh MX-120 any opinions or advice?

Hey everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Covid has me down in the dumps, so I’ve been keeping to myself more than usual.

I have a question....
What are the opinions about the Mcintosh Mx-120? I have opportunity to buy one from a friend for cheap, and while I have a very good, modern processor, I’m extremely curious about how this piece compares and stands up to modern standards. I realize it’s limitations, along with its target audience going in, but is that secret Mcintosh sauce still evident in the sound? Does it best a Marantz av8805 in two channel or even 5.1? Or any category? Furthermore, is it even worth buying?

Thanks in advance and be safe.

Showing 1 response by g_nakamoto

i have a mx132 which is the least expensive of the mx series! where doe's mine stand???