Mcintosh MVP871 vs Krell SACD

Has anyone compared these players on SACD/Readbook?I have heard that the Mac is just a Denon?

Showing 2 responses by cio52

Your really asking about two different kinds of sound. I've owned two complete systems, one Mc one Krell. Both are great with the Mc more tuneful and Krell more complete. I found myself turning the volume down on the Krell and up on the Mc. All this depends on the rest of your system. Unless you need DVD you should consider the Mc 201 or 301 instead.
I have heard this about the MCD201 before. I own one and it has never failed or created noise. As for the original you need DVD? Do you like McIntosh? If yes then get a McIntosh SACD player. If the older versions are not what you want get the MCD500 which can also be used for outboard DAC connection. I have never heard anyone complain about McIntosh service, ever!