Mcintosh MC452 + C2700 or Gryphon Diablo 300 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition

What is you opinions on amp to  Sonus faber Amati Tradition?

Mcintosh MC452 + C2700 or Gryphon Diablo 300? Both using there built in dacs.


You might take a book at the videos on Jay's Audio Lab linked in his thread here and on youtube.

The Diablo for sure.  The Amati is kind of slow and with mcintosh you’ll end up with even slower. The other thing is  Amati isn’t that detailed of a speaker and Mac isn’t that detailed. I’m sure tonally they could sound ok but I’m pretty positive the Diablo will be better. The Diablo is faster, has a unique sounding top end and simply offers a way better quality of imaging. More solid, more dynamic, more everything.