mcintosh mc402+c46 or mc402+c2200,2300




power amp solid+tube pre amp can be work together

did not , and sound? now i'm waiting final decision to buy


thank you

I had been a solid state guy for all my listening years. Then, out of curiosity, I got a used C2200 and have wondered why I was so late to jump into the game. I am using a MC252 with it and am 'done' wwith upgrading amp/preamp. I have yet to roll tubes. My source is a Rega P7 TT and I am using a Graham Slee Era Gold V phono pre but will tyr the onboard phono on hte C2200 once I change the tubes. My vote is for a tube pre and SS amp.
Did you hear any differences in the bass extension and control between to C46 and C2200? Do you have speakers that go deep so those differences matter? I've noticed bigger differences than I would have expected among preamps (ARC, Krell, VTL) in this regard,and it's important to me. Any thoughts?
I have the mc402 and c46. A great pair. This combo has outstanding sound stage, incredible detail, and a lot of warmth. I think that is more due to the autoformers of the mc402. There is a lot of resolution between the speakers. You could buy the 2200 or 2300 for the tube sound but again the c46 with the mc402 have a tube sound to them.
I'll probably take a lot of heat for this. So please, just take it as my opinion and what had happened when I made the change. I had a C-46 pre and a MC-402 amp in my system for about 10 years. Just for a whim, I substituted a Rogue Audio Pharaoh hybrid integrated amp. This combination literally blew The Mac pre and power away. It totally amazed me at how a $3500 integrated could embarrass a 12k Mac system.....