McIntosh MC352 or MC402?

I'm getting ready to jump on the McIntosh bandwagon. I have read wonderful reviews of the MC402 and the MC352 but can't decide which would be a better value. Does the 402 have much of a sonic improvement over the 352? I've read that the 352 is slightly less harsh in the mids and highs but this could be attributed to break in time or the lack thereof. I plan on using whichever amp I choose with a Sunfire Classic Tube Preamp. My source components are a Denon cd player and a Thorens turntable. Speakers are vintage JBL 120Ti's, but I may be upgrading to Thiel 1.6's I would really appreciate any input anyone may have.

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I own an MC402 with the c2300 (tube). I can't imagine it sounding "harsh in the mids to highs" with anything. I had the harsh highs problem for years and the 402 solved that problem. The majority of my recordings sound very good on it. I've run my DAC straight into the 402 as well with no harshness there.

I run the MCs on Aerial 7Bs - not the most efficient speaker at 86 dB spl. I wouldn't go any less power if the Thiels are in that range.

Lastly IMO and IME, if you're worried about harsh highs you should run not walk away from Thiels.