McIntosh MC275VI vs Rogue Audio Stereo 100

anyone heard or owned both that can comnent on how they compared?



Showing 1 response by smatsui

I tried both amps on Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers and I didn't like either one better than a Van Alstine 600R hybrid amp with NOS Mullard 4024 tubes.  I agree with the samzx12 and pani regarding the MC275 VI.  It's warm and lacks clarity.  I thought I would like the McIntosh best but it wasn't to be.  The Rogue ST100 that I tried had the Dark upgrades.  It had more clarity than Mac but it wasn't a good match for my Cornwall IVs.  The sound with Rogue was definitely more SS sounding and it just wasn't relaxing to listen to.  The ST100 was my friend's amp and he agreed it wasn't as good as the Van Alstine 600R.  Ultimately, I purchased an Enleum 23R, 25 w/Ch that is better than all amps that I've tried to my ears with my 102dB sensitive CW speakers.  I still have the 600R and I use it for my more power hungry Sterling Broadcast LS3/6.