Mcintosh MC-1502 tube amp

Hi All,

    I've seen video and reviews of Mcintosh's MC-1502 but I'm not fortunate enough to find one available for listening locally.  Has anyone have experience with this amp and does it perform well with difficult to drive low frequency bass speakers like B&W 800 diamond series?  I notice the MC-1502 is a rare tube amp that has 2ohm tap, can it really drive power down to 2ohm?  Thanks ahead.


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice


I find Mac has a house sound… well, you put your finger on it. I guess we will find out if you find the Mac tube sound different.

I upgraded my headphone system to an outstanding 300B system (Woo, with top notch Takatsuki 300B tubes) that put my main system to shame… because my main system did not have the warmth and organic musicality of my headphone system. My main system was incredibly detailed… but had lost its musicality. So, a lot of upgrades later my main system now has the warm midrange and musicality of my headphone system… it is highly detailed but incredibly musical. You can see my systems under my ID. To me Audio Research has this perfect combination of music first, but with details and soul that my 300b headphone system has… but not a budget sloppy warm 300B system. The very best of both worlds.

The combination of B&W and McIntosh is classic. one of the most synergistic pairing for rock music. I would not worry.

I would make sure you like the sound of McIntosh. what is your preamp? As I said, it is really great for rock. There are large number of folks that like them… they are beautiful and hold their value. I personally do not like them, they lack details and balance… and I am not someone lusting for details.

If I were you, I would plan a road trip to a major city. Make advanced arrangements to hear one with a dealer. This will take the guesswork out of it. Bring your wife, take her to a show. Make it fun.