McIntosh MC 1.25 KW

Has anyone heard these mono blocks? What is your opinion?

Showing 3 responses by stereo5

I heard them in an all McIntosh system at Audio Classics.  Effortless sound, dead quiet and big.
@roxy54 ……………………………………….

He said the MC205 sounded thin, not the MC 1.25KW which is at least 20K more. These are 2 entirely different classes of amplifiers. The MC205 is a multi-channel home theater amp while theMC1.25KW amp is not and was  the McIntosh flagship at one time.  It is also a 1200 watt Monoblock amp.  Read all the rave reviews, both professional and user.
As an owner of 2 McIntosh systems, I would say when it comes to Mac gear, whitecamaross isn’t the end all of authority’s.