McIntosh MAC 1900/PSB 5T burning smell

I recently bought a MAC 1900 from someone on ebay with 100% positive feedback (I mention that only because I have to assume the seller wasn't selling me snake oil). It was well packed but I'm sure it was turned on it's side and/or upside down a number of times. I hooked it up to a pair of PSB Image 5T's and within 10-15 min it smelled like something was burning. I felt around the surface and everything was cold (too cold). So I let it sit until it got to room temperature and tried a again. Within 5 minutes, smelled like burning again. This may be completely unrelated, but the high's began to sound a bit muddled as well. I've started an insurance claim with FedEx and depending on the outcome, I'm planning on having it repaired if I'm able to keep it..but any thought/advice on this issue?

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