McIntosh MA6900 Sensitive to Power Cords? I have

a JPS AC+ cord I will try on it after break in. It's a new unit with the stock power cord connected now. If the JPS does not work out, I have a less expensive Shunyata Diamondback to try. I'm looking to maintain great low end but yet clear up the high end a bit. To me it seems a little veiled on the high end. I am used to a cleaner top end. I know that Mc's are known for a tube type high end that is not greatly extended but I feel I can improve it with the right pc.

Has anyone tried a non-curent limiting conditioner like the Shunyata Hydra? I have a Hydra 4 that I will enventually plug the Mc into. Also how many hours to break in a new 6900?

Showing 2 responses by budrew

From what I've read about them you might consider the Nordost Vishnu PC. They appear to add zip and snap to systems though some say they cause some systems to turn bright, but this may be what you are looking for, not the brightness but a bit more openess in the highs.