McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm

Highlander Partners out of Dallas TX


Second time in 10 years they have been bought. Will be interested to see what this means…


Showing 4 responses by cleeds


This is the business model that Mitt Romney made his fortune from. Take over board by buying out member ... leave company with debt so large they have to declare bankruptcy ...

In case you weren't aware, @nonoise  Romney has actually already bought and sold McIntosh, because he was an owner of Bain Capital, the PE firm that acquired D&M holdings around 2008.



Another person who cannot face the facts.

I simply disproved your claim about "brands like General Electric that has zero US manufacturing now." Please don't try to to make our discussion about something else.


@cleeds let me help you.

How many plants does GE have in the US?

Enough to be a manufacturing giant in the segments where it competes. I even listed some of the U.S. towns where it has especially large, productive facilities. That is substantially more than what you claimed, so it isn’t me that needs "help."


... American brands like General Electric that has zero US manufacturing now ...