McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx

Showing 5 responses by millercarbon

Lame. If you can't hear a difference just come out and say you can't hear a difference. If you can hear a difference and just don't think its worth the money then go ahead and say that. Either way is perfectly fine and allows you to maintain moral integrity. What you cannot do is what you are trying to do, pretend you are able to hear without ever taking a stand. You're criticizing using only the worst innuendo without ever taking a position, other than faking superiority. Which is vile. Just so you know.
Reading some of this blather takes me back. Hard to believe now but I make no secret of it, there was a time when I too was dumb and ignorant as a rock. Everything I believed it turned out later was just plain wrong. But being arrogant and inexperienced I believed it.

And so I made an ass of myself lecturing people on what can and cannot matter. But being so determined to prove all these people wrong I also tried as hard as possible to prove myself right. So instead of just changing a fuse, or cable, or RCA, whatever, I cleaned the crap out of it and listened to that first.

Which sure enough, more often than not if it hand’t been cleaned in a while it did sound slightly better for having been cleaned. I coulda been duped just like all the other schlubs but not me, smarter than your average bear!

Not for long. Because then when the new fuse, cable, interconnect, power cord really did sound better, or even just different, well can’t use the stupid corrosion dirt story any more. That one is just gone.

So this was like 30 years ago. In case any of you guys are wondering just how out of date you sound. Like freaking Rip Van Winkle. Its a whole new millennium. You’re not in Kansas any more. Wake up. Smell the coffee. And every other metaphor for abject cluelessness. In other words, get a clue.

You hit the nail on the head: arrogance. Rude, presumptive, ignorant and stubborn arrogance. Each adjective carefully chosen for accuracy. Rude: they butt in where no one wants to hear their blather yet again. Presumptive, they presume to tell us what we hear. Arrogant, what could be more arrogant than to tell another individual that YOU know what THEY can do. Ignorant, because virtually every single time they haven't tried and so literally do not know what they're talking about. And stubborn, because they keep at it no matter how many times or how clearly its explained they are full of it.  

You can see I've been around and have seen it replay over and over again like Groundhog Day without the humor. They just die over and over again, only never ever do they learn anything, and in the end they for sure don't get the girl. I just thought it worth pointing out that even a new guy with 7 posts can see clearly just what is wrong with them. Why they can't see it, that is the question.
Is fuse directionality audibly discernible as well ?

Yes. With some like Synergistic the difference is surprisingly obvious.

But, as with so many other things, only if you listen for it. 
Sadly this works in every component except McIntosh integrated amps. The only one that will work in a Mac integrated is the Synergistic Orange Fuse. Kidding. Its just funny people think the component matters. Like asking if Pirelli will work on my Honda Civic. No, works on every car except the Civic.