Thank you very much Denman. The problem is: the more I read (here, audiokarma, audioaficionado, etc) the more I have doubts! I've read that the preamp section on the D100 is not that good, so I don't know if it will be a good match for my MC452. Then I started to consider the C48, but there are several threads reporting problems w/ its USB inputs (the same for the C50). I think i could stretch my budget to get an used C2300, that I read it's an excelent pair for the MC452, but in that case, I would stay in the same jurassic CD player based system I am nowadays because I wouldn't have money to buy a DAC. Maybe (w great effort!) I could buy an Oppo 105 latter and use its Dac to start playing w/ digital files, streaming, computer audio, etc, but I know its DAC doesn't compare w/the D100's, so I ended up w/ more doubts then ever! Lol! I could summarize my new state of uncertainty like this: which would be a better for my poor pocket, an excelent DAC w/ a not so good preamp (D100) or an excelent preamp w/ a not so good DAC (C2300 + Oppo 105)??? Or should I forget the
C48 USB issues and buy one (used)??? Doubts doubts doubts!
C48 USB issues and buy one (used)??? Doubts doubts doubts!