Mcintosh Amps w/ B&W 801'S

I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM THOSE WHO HAVE HEARD MAC AMPS W/801'S. I want to purchase the n801's. i need big power 600 watts plus per side. i may even vertical bi-amp. i have been learning about mac stuff recently. i currently have balanced audio cd, ss pre, and monos. please let me know your experiences. thanks

Showing 1 response by piezo

I listened to a pair of 801s through a Mac amp and pream ( i forget which amp bu t if memory serves me.. whcih if often dont..the amp had 4 6550s per side) and a meridian cd player. I found the sound to be pretty sterile and lifeless. Warmth was not an descriptive term that remotely came to mind. The fault may lie with the dealer who's help is generally clueless. All cabling was monster (it's the best man!...their words not mine) and the set up for that system looked far from optimum. However, I also listened to a pair of 803 through a CJ rig at the same shop and that sounded pretty good. I'd definitely want to try them at home for a while before i parted with that much cash.