McIntosh amps can sure hold their value. This MC2300 just sold for $378,000!!

On October 14, 2021 Jerry Garcia's "Budman" McIntosh MC 2300 sold for $378,000 at a Sotheby's auction. Originally the band purchased 70 MC 2300's for their wall of sound. This particular amp Jerry liked best. He liked the tone it gave his guitar. A stage setup man named Ram Rod stuck on a Budweiser "Budman" sticker to the amp so it could be easily recognized as Jerry's amp. Also at the auction was a variety of stage gear and seven more MC 2300's from the wall of sound. Prices for those amps ranged from $25,200 to $94,500.

Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

I remember, we were living in Marin County when Jerry died. The entire county went into mourning. It was as if the President had been assassinated.