McIntosh 830

I’m enjoying the weekend with a new pair of Mc 830’s
Anyone else running these ? Would like to chat them up !

Showing 4 responses by sheridan50

It’s my first McIntosh ownership but so far it’s way ahead of anything I’ve owned before now. I’m currently running the 830’s from the preamp section of my 8900 integrated with a node 2i doing the Tidal high res thing. I’m looking at replacing the 8900 with a c2700 ?
I’ve tried both DAC’s and prefer the 8900 DAC via coax. You are probably right though but considering I’m new to the high res streaming it’s sounding pretty good. At this point I’d rather put money towards a pair of La Scalas than a better DAC.
Currently speakers are Sonus Fabre sonetto fives 😃

What are you currently running ?