Mcintosh 601's vs Classe CA-M600's

Which would you chose? Speakers are Sonus Faber Stradivari.


Showing 7 responses by mbovaird

I heard the xa160.5's today and was BLOWN AWAY. I hate to say it, but I preferred them to the xa200.5's.
Chuck - the word on the 53's is that they can be too analytical. Would you agree?

I'm currently running the Strads with my Mc 2301's and its terrific, but I want to have the option (from time to time) to roll in some SS or Digital amps. I recently brought my Classe CA-2300 up from the other room and ran it in the main system. I was highly impressed with the results.

In addition to the 601's and CA-M600's, I've thought about Pass xa200.5 (but I'm concerned about heat). ModWright 150SE's, Bryston 28SST's, and even the Devialet D-Premier.

The problem is that where I live, there aren't any decent dealers for hundreds of miles.

I'm open to anything to be honest.

Now you know my dilemma! The only consensus of everyone I have spoken with is Pass xa200.5 (or 160.5). I would buy those in a second - if not for the massive heat they put off. I live in Florida! It's not enough. I guess the Parasound JC-1's are not in the same class as these other amps? I'm leery of the ML because its a hybrid amp. Not too keen on hybrid/Class-D. In Mike Framers review of the Anthem M1, I think he politely slams the 53's - without exactly saying:
The Classe amps seems to get better reviews than the 28SST2's.
I meant to say, "it's HOT enough!"

Elizabeth - I've always loved reading your posts. Have you heard the Classe CA-M600's?
Yes, they put out a lot of heat. I read that the xa200.5 put out nearly 1400 watts of heat at rest. Yowser! The 2301's don't put out quite that much.

Have you ever compared the xa's to something like the Bryston 28SST2's or Classe CA-M600's?

Is heat from these Class A amps an issue? Can you see them heating up a room worse than my tube amps (Mc 2301's)?
Onemeg - here is my rational for the 160.5 as well (over the 200.5). My 4 ohm speakers can only handle up to 300 with the 160.5 being 320 watts of class A into 4 ohms....I'm thinking that could be a really good match. Agree?

I'm just not sure the added expense of the 200.5 will give me a lot more with my current speakers.
