McCormack or Pass Labs

Yes, I appear to be waffling on a purchase for those of you checking my posts - guilty as charged.

I am in the process of looking for a new power amp. I thought I had made up my mind on a Pass X-250, but someone put a bug in my ear regarding McCormack products.

Does anyone have an opinion as to how the Pass would stack up against a McCormack DNA-225 or a DNA-2 deluxe with an "A" upgrade?

The 225 I will be able to audition locally, probably against the Pass, but the DNA 2 is, I believe, no longer available new.

Thanks again - I swear I will eventually shut up and buy something!


Showing 1 response by tombowlus

Although I have not heard Pass Labs amps, I did just recently get to audition the McCormack DNA-225, as well as Theta Enterprise, Theta Intrepid, and Edge NL-10. The DNA-225 had what I thought was a nice tonal balance with a slight emphasis in a narrow band of the upper-mids, and it certainly had a good deal of control. However, its main weekness seemed to fall in an area where I am most critical, and that is imaging and soundstage. Both of the Theta amps bested the McCormack in this regard - the Enterprises by a very wide margin. The Edge also imaged better than the McCormack, but not as well as the Enterprise. The Thetas also were a bit more musical, and had a more airy top end than the McCormack.

If imaging, and depth and width of soundstage, are important to you, the DNA-225 might not be your best option. I am sure that the Pass Labs amps are very nice, but from the amps that I heard, I will be going the Theta route.

Hope this helps, Tom.