McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 2.0 Deluxe

Requesting opinions & advice. Is this likely going to make a noticeable difference?

I am considering an upgrade from my DNA 0.5 to a DNA 2.0 Deluxe.

Setup: Kef 104.2, Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre, Cambridge 851N streamer/DAC

Music source: Spotify premium

Music Genre: Jazz, Blues, classic Rock

Room size 18x20

Thank you.



Showing 1 response by raydecraene

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and advice based on your experiences in our shared pursuit of audio nirvana!

Based on your comments, and some research I have done, I am concluding the following:

DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 2
Keep my DNA 0.5. The DNA 2 may not be the "next level sound" I have the itch for. An SMC upgrade may need to be budgeted for!
Streaming Service
Spotify, although very user friendly, is not the best "High Resolution" source. Tidal or Qobuz is the way to go. I will be signing up for one of them this week.
DAC updgrade
Audphile1, spot on here as a DAC upgrade is next on my list! Just not sure where to go on this….
Kennesawjet, I replaced my ALD1 with the Manley Jumbo Shrimp and love the warmer sound & remote control. I have a feeling you will love your upgraded DNA 500!